July 7, 2023

Sheila Nixon’s 2 nd ASEA informational gathering @ Joe’s Dining

A great time was had by all who attended this meeting live and on zoom. Lots of good information was exchanged.

The guest speaker was chiropractor, Dr. Bruce Handloff, DC.

Would you like to be notified when Sheila has another meeting like this? Contact us and get on our mailing list for ASEA meetings.

Here is a link to Sheila on the Richard Eeds program on Friday, July 7, 2023.

Sheila talked about the Dancing Bones bioDensity program and ASEA Redox Cell Signaling Supplement –
her new most favorite product.

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2801 Rodeo Rd C-13
Santa Fe, NM 87507
Tuesday – Saturday
starting at 8 a.m.
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